Sunday, September 9, 2012

I thought I would show some pictures of my classroom - we all get so many ideas from other classrooms - so everyone please do the same!

If you have any questions about some of the things here, just send me an email...


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Just Starting

I personally think the best people in the world are first graders.  They are incredibly curious, honest, and fun. I am honored to get to spend nine months of the year with these amazing people.  

Second to the students are the teachers who teach first grade.  So.... some of my fellow teachers and wonderful friends have discussed a blog for first graders (and we all love looking at all the blogs that are out there) so this is the beginning....  

Let's start blogging, common core causes us to have the same curriculum no matter where our classroom is, so let's take advantage and join together to be the best, most creative teachers for these incredible children!

This is a very new experience for me, but I'll do my best to keep updating and adding lots of fun things - suggestions and comments are very welcome!